Synopsis of rites in the literary and epigraphic sources of the secular celebration 17 B.C.

            Acta Saecularia(1)               Oracle (greek)                Carmen Saeculare(3)
            (CIL VI 32 323)                  (J. B. Pighi, De ludis saec.)
 1      a Moerae (Fates)            92       Fates   8                   Parcae (Fates)     25 (7)
        b agni feminae, caprae feminae       -/-     A                   -/-                     E
          (fem. lambs, she-goates)
 2      a Iuno, Diana               102      -/-                         Luna (Moon)        2  (1) B          
        b duae sellae positae                -/-                         -/-               36  (9) H
          (put up two chairs)
 3      a Iupiter O. M.   103                Zeus       12                Vos (you)        49 (13) K
        b boves mares ([two] bulls)          white bulls D                -/-
 4      a Ilithyiae (goddesses of 115        Ilithyiae    9               Ilithyia 14, Lucina 15, D
          child-birth)                                    B               Genitalis 16      (4-5[6])
        b liba, popana, pthoes (cerial       offerings according 
          offerings: 9 of each=27)           to the right                   -/-                  
 5      a Iuno Regina     119                Hera    15                    Vos (you)        49 (13)
        b boves feminae ([two] cows)         calf    E                     -/-                   K
 6      a Terra Mater (Mother Earth) 136     Gaia (Earth)    10            Tellus (Earth)    29 (8)
        b sus plena (pregnant sow)           black, pregnant sow  C                               F
 7      a Apollo, Diana   139                Phoibos Apollon 16            Phoebus, Diana       1 (1) A
                                                              F            Apollo              34 (9) G
        b liba, popana, pthoes (cerial       [the  same offerings          -/-                     F
           offerings: 9 of each =27)          as for the Ilithyiae]
 8      a   -/-                              Helios (Sun)    17            Sol (Sun)            9 (3) C
        b   -/-                               the same offerings   G       -/-                     B
                                              as for the Ilithyiae                   
 9      a   -/-                              -/-                           [di (gods)]       45-46 (12)
        b   -/-                              -/-                            -/-                     H 
10          -/-                               -/-                           songs of 27 boys and    148
                                                                              27 girls


a : god/goddess (recipient of an offering)
b : offering
139 : line
34 (9) : verse (stanza)
F : (indicates the sequence of appearence in the oracle and in Horace)
-/- : no equivalent ( not : mechanical lacuna)
[surely to be infered from the context]

further literature: O. Weinreich: Triskaidekadische Studien, Beitraege zur Geschichte der Zahlen, Giessen, 1916


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